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Friday 27 July 2012

Shaklee Product

I’m a working mother but still insist to give fully B* feed to my little princess, but unfortunately I’m not like other women who can produce tonnes of B* milk.
I’ve struggle to strain my B* to produce more milk just to fulfill my daughter needs. Usually it takes me a day at work just to get 2-2.5oz of milk. So I’ve started to search online to find a solution. Based on my 'blog reading', found out that most working mother started early to keep their EBM since “pantang” but not me, lacking knowledge on BF during that period.
Recently, I tried to eat supplements from Shaklee. I’ve started with SET B trial (contains Vita-Lea, B complex, Vitamin C and Alfalfa) for the past 3 weeks. The result is quite impressing. Manage to get 7oz (Alhamdulillah) during working hour.
Last night went to Kak Ruziah (credit to house to add some extra supplement which is ESP (Energizing Soy Protein) -that can helps to produce more milk, help you to stay energetic all day and one more is osteomatrix –provide calcium for mummy. hehehe for all this supplement they called it 3M set (recommended for mummies who just started to keep stock or has problem producing milk just like me).

p/s: don't get frustrated if the result is not as you expected.
The effect might be slow. just be patient and continue giving direct feeding to you baby, and pump your B* every 3 hours during working time. Insy Allah you will see the result. Remember to maintain high determination to give Fully BF to your child. give me couple of weeks to update the result. pray to GOD for goods.

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